Stage: ready 001-pmBBE-top.jpeg

Overview: pmBBE is a PMOD(TM) interface compatible module providing 3V or 12V step­up power and button presses emulation. Could be used to make your Central Air or TV or Garage opener remote control wired into IoT hub to operate over internet or mobile phone.


  • 3V lithium coin cell or 12V automotive remote control battery emulation
  • 4 independent button switching contacts
  • PMOD(TM) socket for IO management


View schematic in PDF

Assembly chains with this board

assembly chain - pmBBE+pm3V3+pmTPS+pmCLK+pmUSBUART2.png

Also, see related videos on Youtube  here

An example of usage: scheme and Python script

Part number: 302601

Find this in our eBay store: pmBBE
