Stage: ready
Overview: pmMTu is a PMOD(TM) interface compatible telemetry module providing microampere current as well as voltage consumption readings for testing IoT device. IoT device supposed to be powered through the pmMTu module bypass connectors. 2 pins are for supply power (XS1), other 2 pins are for the IoT device connection (XS2).
- pmMTu1V8 tuned for 01.8V voltage range, 050mA current measurement range if J1 is shortened or 0500uA current measurement range if J2 is shortened
- pmMTu1V8 has 138mA max current peak survivable limit
- pmMTu3V3 tuned for 03.3V voltage range, 050mA current measurement range if J1 is shortened or 0500uA current measurement range if J2 is shortened
- pmMTu3V3 has 75mA max current peak survivable limit
- both versions could withstand up to 6V on supply measurement power pins
- both versions do positive/negative voltage based milliampere measurement with 50/32768 ~ 1.52e3 mA or 1.52e6 A step for 050mA range (J1 shortened)
- both versions do positive/negative voltage based microampere measurement with 500/32768 ~ 1.52e8 uA or 1.52e14 A step for 0500uA range (J2 shortened)
- pmMTu1V8 operates on constant 3.3V regulated DC supplied over standard PMOD port
- pmMTu3V3 require constant 5V regulated DC supplied over PMOD port and is recommended to be chained with special pm5V0 DCDC regulator passthrough module
- both versions provide constant incoming supply voltage reading with the help of first ADS1110
- both versions provide constant milli/microampere current consumption reading with the help of second ADS1110
- both ADS chips are different address based i2c interface and chained on the same i2c bus encapsulated inside PMOD interface
Assembly chains with this board
Also, see related videos on Youtube
Part number for pmMTu3V3: 302301