Stage: ready 001-pmLEDDUO-side.jpeg 002-pmLEDDUO-top.jpeg

Overview: pmLEDDUO provides users to visualize 16-bit  (or 2x8-bit) ports in the debugging process. It has small and convenient size and can be plugged directly to DUO port of TE0324 (TE0634) connection board.


View schematic in PDF

Assembly chains with this board

assembly chain - pmLEDDUO+pm3V3+pmTPSMAX+pmUSBUART2.png assembly chain - pmLEDDUO+pm3V3+pmTPS+pmCLK+pmUSBUART2.png assembly chain - Arduino-DGX-XC95+pmLEDDUO.png assembly chain - AA-DGX+pmLEDDUO.png

Also, see related videos on Youtube  here and examples

Part number: 300601

Find this in our eBay store: pmLEDDUO
